Students at GFW Elementary had a great time celebrating Valentine's Day last week!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Valentines day
Valentines day
Valentines day
Valentines day
Valentines day
Valentines day
Valentines day
More fun from the 100th day of school for our kindergarten students yesterday!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
Students in Kindergarten celebrated the 100th day of school with activities, incredible costumes, and photos with a movie star!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
100th day of school
Students dressed as old men
Student posing with minion
Student posing with minion
Student posing with minion
Student posing with minion
Student posing with minion
Student posing with minion
Student posing with minion
Students at GFW Elementary had some very special visitors today! Minnesota authors Rhonda Buerkle and Luke Walford visited to share their books with students and talk about creating a story. It was such a great experience for our students!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Author visit
Author visit
Author visit
Author visit
Save the date! Kindergarten Kick-Off is March 5! We are excited to get our new kindergarten families ready for the upcoming school year! If you do not receive an invitation to Kindergarten kick-off in the mail and have a Kindergarten student, please contact the elementary school office and we will send you an invitation!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Kindergarten Kick Off
Let's celebrate members GFW Pioneer Express FFA! Makayla Seitz, Nicole Sievert and Mitchell Olson's state FFA degrees were accepted. They will receive them at state convention in April. Three members also placed in their proficiency areas: - William Bastian: Dairy placement SAE - 2nd place and moving on to state! - Eden Messerli: Outdoor recreation - 3rd place and moving on to state! - Abby Willegal: Small Animal production entrepreneurship - 1st place and is moving on to state!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
FFA Students
GFW Public Schools is selling a trailer! Contact Dr. Horton at for more information.
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
ECFE Family Bowling is coming up on Friday February 23, don't miss this fun night at Code 3 in Gibbon! The fun starts at 5 p.m. and the cost is $8 per person and includes two games and shoe rental.
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Make Your Own Cards Feb 22- 5:30 -7:30 GFW MS/HS Cafeteria Winthrop $15.00 Age 8+ Register by Feb. 15th. Have you ever wanted to make your own cards? We will be making a dozen cards that you will take home with you. We have a variety of stamps and ink to choose from. Got stamps? Bring them to use during class.
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
GFW Seniors got to hear from Laura Sallstrom,Megan Jacobsen, and Jim Weinzetl about the importance of scholarships and how to complete scholarship applications. GFW Is proud to have an incredible program for our students to find scholarships!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Scholarship presentation
Scholarship presentation
Scholarship presentation
Scholarship presentation
Yogurt Parfaits continue to be a fan favorite for breakfast at GFW Middle School and High School! Today's options involved strawberries or harvest apples.
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
February is Minnesota School Board Recognition Month! GFW students benefit every day from the dedication of our school board members and we are grateful to our school board members for their hard work and leadership. Thank you GFW School Board!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Thank you school board members
Ms. Rettmann was a guiding star in her classroom today as she formed a narrative that connected her students to the universe. Equipped with tiny hands and big imaginations, these budding astronomers set out to recreate the enchanting constellation of the Big Dipper. A sense of wonder and unity blossomed, transcending the boundaries of the classroom.
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Astronaut activity
Astronaut activity
Astronaut activity
Astronaut activity
Astronaut activity
Home Alone: This class will cover the basics of staying home alone and coming/going from home safely. Topics such as appliance safety, responsibilities, first aid and more. There will be time allowed for questions and answers from attendees. You will feel confident and educated to stay home after attending this class. Take home materials will be handed out. This class is for 4th graders and older. Monday, February 12th 3:30 to 5:00pm $45 per student GFW Elementary School - Community Ed/ECFE Room Please register by February 5th
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Mr. Sellner and two students in his Small Engines class are working on a 4-stroke Briggs & Stratton engine.
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Small engines class
Students in Ms. Finnegan's first grade class had some fun learning with contractions today!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
First graders
Fifth grade student Vayda Victor presented her idea for the new school to the team at Wold Architects. She suggested having a time-lapsed video of the construction of our new school from start to finish. Thank you Vayda for your awesome idea!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Students in study hall who were finished with their homework worked to create a poster to spread some kindness in the school!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
It's Winter vs. Summer Day at GFW Middle School and High School!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Winter vs summer
Winter vs summer
Winter vs summer
Winter vs summer
Winter vs summer
Winter vs summer
Today was Students Dress Like a Teacher day, but we think the teachers may have had more fun dressing like students!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Dress like a student
Dress like a teacher
Dress like a teacher